Green Brigade Monthly Donor

Green Brigade Monthly Donor

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Green Brigade Monthly Donor

Green Brigade Monthly Donor

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              In 2017 Tyson moved to Denver to continue developing the ideals of  PGT in a region with more immediate need for the healing power of a healthy environment.  There were several branches seemed could use some attention that aligned with what we are striving for.  Helping Veterans, underserved communities, and the greater environment that connects us all.   


        Continuing with the main Rocky Mountain Regional Hospial  (RMR) Long-Term, Spinal Cord and Mental Health areas, and continueing to expand distribution of plants to those that might benefit from the connection,  acknowlegement of them as Individuals, where ever they are in their process of healing.  that Initially, he continued distributing plants and helping with the raised beds for .    devoping over a  has been great for developing some great relationships in Denver. 


          As in Cleveland, due to COVID restrictions on plants inside the hospitals, we have been restricted to passing out plants for the Veterans & Staff to take home, but are not allowed inside any more.   Also as in CLE, we started bringing non-perishable food, in addition to the produce we have grown to response to the changing needs of the last few years. 


            Currently working on the 40 West Art Districts' Art HUB Garden, with perennial drought tolerant, pollinator, aroma-therapeutically minded herbs and plants.   Also, volunteer consulting the other gardens' development. 

           The Veterans' and PGT would like to thank Carey with Southwest Gardens, Rodale Institute,  Denver Urban Gardens, Jensen's, and Veldkamp's for their generous support.

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