Green Brigade Monthly Donor

Green Brigade Monthly Donor

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Green Brigade Monthly Donor

Green Brigade Monthly Donor

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Ray McKinney
CLeveland, OH
Ray with plants  va  aug 2019_edited.jpg

Ray graduated from West Point in 1971, honorably discharged after 5 years at the rank of Captain, in the 82nd Airborne and later served in the New Jersey National Guard, flying helicopters.  


Thanks for your interest in supporting Veterans' and Communities to grow!

Nome park 5-19 1st planting.jpg

        Tyson has been gardening most of his life, starting at age 5 pruning his Grandmothers apple trees at her home in NW Pennsylvania.  For the last 20 years been focusing on sustainable gardening and food production, deeply understanding the therapeutic benefits of a healthy relationship with food and plants.  He has worked with Organic farms in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and community gardens around Denver. 



Tyson McKinney
Director of Development
Leading    Denver


Ray McKinney-President

(330) 840-8001

Project Green Thumb Inc, 501(c)3                                                                                                     2023                                                                                   

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